Abstract Submission Guidelines

The African Potato Association (APA) Science Subcommittee, together with the National  Agricultural Research Organisation  and International Potato Center (CIP), wish to announce dates and venue of the 13th Triennial Conference 2025.

The APA conference will be held at the SPEKE RESORT HOTEL MUNYOYO from 25th May to  30th May 2025.

Delegates should plan to arrive Kampala, Uganda on Sunday the 24th of May 2025 to be able to participate in the opening event. May  30th will be a field day.

We are excited to announce the Call for Abstracts for the 13th APA Conference 2025 whose theme will be Fostering climate smart Cropping systems for sustainable potato and sweetpotato value chains.

Abstracts’ submission for the conference is already open and the deadline is 15th November 2024.

Abstracts will be accepted in the following seven sub-themes:

  1. Crop improvement
  2. Public-Private approaches for improving Seed Systems
  3. Regenerative agri-food systems
  4. Pest and disease management for the current and future climate
  5. Linking production systems to market opportunities
  6. Nutritious agri-food system

The author(s) should indicate whether the abstract is proposed for oral or poster presentation. However, the programme subcommittee will evaluate abstracts for novelty of the research, relevance of the findings and clarity to determine whether an abstract will be accepted for oral or poster presentation.

Please note that conference scholarships are available for early submission of abstract. Therefore, authors are encouraged to submit their abstracts before the submission deadline of 15th November 2024 to be eligible to compete for the conference scholarship. The scholarship covers full conference registration fees, travel, and accommodation.

All abstracts will be subjected to an evaluation process by the session Conveneors to assess the suitability for inclusion in the conference programme.

  1. Abstracts must be submitted online via the Abstract submission portal
  2. All abstracts must be submitted and presented in English.
  3. Abstracts that have been previously presented at another meeting should not be submitted.
  4. The presenting author is required to ensure that all co-authors are aware of the content of the abstract and agree to its submission before submitting the abstract.
  5. Abstracts will be published as received. Typing or other errors made by the authors will not be corrected.
  6. Use MS Word to type abstracts.
  7. Use Arial font and font size 11, single space.
  8. The whole abstract body must not be longer than 400 words. This does not include title, authors, designation, affiliation and keywords.
  9. Type the title in CAPITAL LETTERS, followed by the name(s) of the author(s). For the name write the first name, followed by the surname. Underline the presenting author.
  10. Include the affiliation of all the authors.
  11. Leave a one-line space between the authors’ institution and the beginning of the text.
  12. The body of the abstract should be organized as follows:
  • State the main objectives and scope of the investigation
  • Describe the methodology employed
  • Summarize the results
  • State the main conclusions reached
  • Recommendations on the practical application may be made
  1. No illustrations may be included in the abstract.
  2. References are not required.
  3. Desist from concluding with “promise of additional data” or with “results will be discussed”.
  4. Provide a list of five to six keywords at the end of the abstract, in alphabetical order and not already used in the title.
  5. Authors must have a confirmed registration for the Conference by 15th February 2025. Failure to do so will result in their paper being removed from the programme.
  6. Those selected for an oral presentation will be expected to submit a paper by 31 March 2025

Abstracts will be reviewed as they are submitted and therefore cannot be edited before completion of the review process. Please make sure that you have read the Author Guidelines before submitting your abstract!


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